Thursday, March 1, 2012

My First Post

This is me.  Genuinely happy.

So this is my first post.  Allow me to explain myself.  I'm originally a midwestern small town girl, but moved to New York City at the age of 20.  My upbringing provided me with a tough interior, Manhattan provided me with a tough exterior.  Okay, maybe I'm not so tough.  But I did work my way through college and make it out of a miserable marriage and somehow come out a better person than I was going into it.

I am a principled person.  I believe that saying or doing something simply for political correctness is absurd.  I believe that sex makes the world go 'round and that it is one of many topics that people (Americans) are needlessly uptight about.  

As a child I read a lot of Dr. Seuss (clearly I could have used a transition statement here).  The brilliance of Dr. Seuss is that his books teach children to read not by phonics, but by whimsy and ethics and passion.  A sentence in Horton Hears a Who actually helped shape my entire life and belief system.  Horton the elephant said, "I meant what I said and I said what I meant.  An elephant's faithful one-hundred percent!"  I've always lived by that.  It's like my code of honor.  I've never shared that before, but that quote has been in my head as a mantra since early childhood.  I won't explain further what it means to me.  If you don't understand it, then you won't understand me.  Or this blog.

I believe in happiness.  As the present and as an end.  I believe in being.  In observing.  In loving.  In understanding.  And sometimes I'm just so mad I could breathe fire.  I think that it's our duty as human beings to help those who are less fortunate.  To protect animals, not having been given the gift of speech and, well, thumbs.  This planet, our planet, our all-encompassing world, needs protection most of all.  We must respect all life.  We must treat our bodies as the temples they are, as we are part of this world.   

So go on with your day with kindness, compassion, and common sense.

1 comment:

  1. Staci congratulations on your blogspot blog! I'll be reading, and may even repost some of your musings from time to time!
